The Be That One Guy Program (BTOG) trains people involved in the construction industry, at all levels, to become active upstanders.
We recognize harassment is a safety hazard, not just a treatment issue.
In any harassment scenario there are three key components—a harasser focused on their target; a target focused on the harasser; and bystanders focused on the situation as it unfolds. The outcome is a whole group of workers not putting their full attention on the job at hand.
In the past, the solution was to remove targets of harassment from the situation. This approach, while often well-meaning, made it appear the target and not the aggressor was to blame for the situation. By identifying only the target's lack of concentration as a cause for concern, we miss the bigger picture and feed into aggressor-biased solutions.
Shifting to a true victim-protection and safety-focused culture, BTOG supports removal of the aggressor—just as we would with any other identified safety hazard. This ensures the safety of workers & jobsite and transfers blame for harassment to aggressors, where it belongs.
Union member participants learn about the domino effect of harassment and understand their own ability to transition from a bystander to an Upstander.
Jobsite supervision, union leadership and signatory contractors participating in the program learn a better way to handle situations—one that shifts us away from past practices and embraces the power of Upstanders to become part of the solution.